Friday, 28 October 2011
Leave your 'unfinished business' at peace please.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Once Upon A Time [there was a man known as] Grimm.
- Ginnifer Goodwin plays two characters, the first being our classic Snow White and the second being Mary Margaret Blanchard, a kindly, gentle school teacher who albeit seems (understandably) lost. I love her portrayal of the teacher more than her version of Snow White, because it falls more into what Ginnifer is good at (the type of character she normally plays). Plus, it's difficult to watch anyone play a cartoon character and not think it's just a tiny bit cheesy.
- Joshua Dallas is Prince Charming and John Doe, named so because he was hurt in his own world by the Evil Queen's guards and left in a coma in our world. I adore Josh; there is very little I can say that's bad about him. When he cradled baby Emma I felt a little whoosh of admiration move through my body. He's adorable. Anyway, he plays Prince Charming rather well, and is especially convincing as he tells his wife to hide out in the special wardrobe to protect her and her child (sadly that backfired for Snow White, but still saved Emma). However as John Doe in a coma there's not much he can do in our world. It'll be interesting to see more of him in the weeks to come.
- Jennifer Morrison plays Emma Swan, and is the 'ultimate key' to breaking the curse on the Enchanted Forest and its inhabitants. She is approached by the son she gave up (Henry) and told about a book detailing the stories of each fairytale character and her role in saving them. Hesitant to believe him at first, it takes a few meaningful moments between the two before she decides to give Henry what he asked for - to stay a week in Storybrooke with him.
- Speaking of Henry, Jared Gilmore plays this character and he does a fantastic job of it. I always admire child stars, but Jared (I have a feeling) is going to be a superstar. I loved him in Mad Men, loved him in The Back-up Plan (YES I actually remember him from that) and I already love him in this. I think if I ever gave a kid up for adoption and he decided to track me down - I'd want him to be like Henry. He's so bold, but obviously holds a lot of secrets close to his chest. And we find out that he's kind of a loner; and his foster mum is actually Evil Queen who apparently KNOWS who she is and isn't too happy to see him bonding with Emma.
- Lana Parrilla is the Evil Queen herself, and alias foster mum and Storybrooke's mayor Regina Mills. She is dark and beautiful as the Evil Queen, but just as icy and sexy as Henry's adoptive mother. I did wonder whether she would know who everyone in the town is meant to be; and then her dangerous glare into the mirror while she clutched the story book confirmed it. Lana is impressive, to say the least. I look forward to seeing more layers of her character.
- The final character I absolutely HAVE to mention is Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold, played byRobert Carlyle. As if Robert himself wasn't fantastic, the characters of Rumpelstiltskin and Mr Gold are equally great. We haven't seen much of Mr Gold yet, the prospective 'owner' of the entire town of Storybrooke, but it looks like he might be in on the Evil Queen's plan more than first thought. But as Rumpelstiltskin - wow. Carlyle delivers a downright scary performance as the evil character who knows the future and demands to find out Emma's name from Snow White at the beginning. He fits the character perfectly; and why shouldn't he? After the other movies we have seen him in. Can't wait to see more.
- David Guintoli plays the homicide detective and future Grimm-hunter Nick Burckhardt. I haven't seen him in many shows before, but (at least in looks) he reminds me of Zachary Quinto so I liked him immediately. Nick is as dumbfounded as you would be, being told by a woman you lived with when you were younger that "your parents didn't crash, they were killed" and "there's so much you don't know about our family". In Secret Circle-esque style, Nick is forced to find out about his family through whatever means possible - including a monster known as 'Eddie'. He does well though, considering the circumstances!
- Silas Weir Mitchell plays Eddie Monroe, a reformed monster who has decided he doesn't kill people anymore. I love Mitchell because he was Charles in Prison Break (a show that had so much potential for more) and in Grimm he doesn't disappoint either. He does 'trippy' better than anyone I know. Eddie assists Nick with seeking out another monster who had captured a little girl and had been killing people in Hansel and Gretal fashion (played by Tim Bagley). I think it'll be fun to see how much of a part Eddie plays in helping Nick discover his destiny as a hunter.
- Kate Burton plays Marie, Nick's [aunt] (I'm going to use Aunt tentatively because I can't quite remember) and former Grimm hunter. She is sick enough to the point that her 'abilities' are passing onto Nick, and she has the mother-load of all weapons in her trailer, along with a mysterious necklace she passes onto Nick and tells him to guard with his life. The necklace turns into some kind of key; but to open what, we are yet to find out. Burton is a star in all respects; I know her best from Grey's Anatomy and I do hope she survives long enough to give us more of a glimpse of her fantastic acting skills.
- Other characters include Juliette Silverton, played by Bitsie Tulloch and Hank Griffin, played by Russell Hornsby. Juliette is Nick's soon-to-be fiance, and a bit of a background character at the moment I feel. Perhaps we will see more of her in future episodes, but I am not sure her character will develop as much as we might like. However, I will accept it if I am wrong! Hank Griffin, on the other hand, is Nick's partner and has a much more prominent role in the show thus far. He helped Nick rescue the little girl at the end and I wouldn't be surprised if Nick decided to confide in him. He plays your typical 'cop' but there is definite potential for more character growth.
- And lastly I will mention Captain Renard, portrayed by Sasha Roiz and Sergent Wu, played by Reggie Lee. Captain Renard we find out is actually a monster of some kind, and is planning to kill Marie at the most opportune moment. He is in an ideal position to 'keep an eye on things' while enacting his master plan (what that is, I am sure we will find out). Sergent Wu is a background character at this stage as well, but Lee is one of my favourite actors so I hope he becomes a more integral part of this show.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
"What's the plan, oh warrior princess?"
Not to be outdone, this week’s episode packed just as much punch (and bites) as last week’s! Granted, the delicious Joseph Morgan was absent this week but Rippah Stefan certainly made up for his absence.
This episode, as Julie Plec described it, is in homage to the very first day of school last year. It’s unbelievable how much has changed. Bonnie, Caroline and Elena decided they’d put that disaster of a prank night behind them and focus on a fresh start. Oh but hold up – it’s a year ago that Elena and Stefan met. Eesh, painful much? I think you take the cake for biggest drama love.
Ok so! Moving on to my...
Favourite moments
Elena and Ric’s fighting sesh: at first I was thinking, gosh Ric, ease up. Then he said his little “I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you the strongest person I know. I think you can do pretty much anything.” Naw. Well said Ric! She is, and it’s amazing.
Twister with Rippah Stefan: ohh my word. I would play Twister with him anytime. Even if it meant I’d be snacked on if I fell over (and knowing how I play Twister, that’d happen A LOT). Oh well, just imagining Paul’s teeth on my skin is ridiculously delicious.
Bex and her dramatic entrances: Haha I have to say, Rebekah has me wrapped around her little finger. The way she marched on into the Salvatore boarding house and announced she was going to be staying, and then later when she sauntered into Ric’s history class. What a sly, sexy original. Love it.
Kat feeding Mikael mouse blood: That little montage of Katherine’s as she draped over Mikael’s coffin and tried to get him to drink mouse blood? Ha! I chuckled for a good minute.
Even when he tries to hide something, he’s adorable: Damon: “Is that the bell? Ring ring don’t wanna be late!”
A true homage moment: When Elena left the boy’s bathroom and ran into Stefan. Like old times except... not. I still pretty much adore Rippah Stefan though.
Speaking of Rippah Stefan... That jogging scene! “You think I’m annoying now, just wait til homecoming. Hey, who are you bringing by the way, I don’t want it to be weird.” Pretty sure it’s gonna be weird whatever you do Stefan. “I’m the guy who’s been assigned to protect a human blood bag. I mean, no offence or anything.” So MEAN. But I still drooled. Love him.
Love Jeremy and Anna: Malese is the sweetest little thing. Her eyes are super big and beautiful. I would believe anything she said too. And that ‘touching hands’ moment at the end? So, so sweet. Sorry Beremy shippers. I’m all about the Janna.
“I’m watching you...” Stefan watching Elena at the bonfire is another cute homage to the first one, though this time it’s substantially more creepy than the last. But there’s a knowing look that passes between them that made me somewhat wistful for ‘the old days’. (that moment passed quickly, I needs me more Delena)
Sebastian Roche: So apparently Mikael feeds off dead things, not alive things. Kinda grose, but whatever. I’m too epic excited for Sebastian Roche to be in TVD.
Bex and Damon heating it up with marshmallows and s’mores: Tell ya what, when Damon puts his flirt on I feel like going all ninja. [*chants to self* Jealously is unattractive. Jealously is unattractive. Jealously is unattractive]
Elena’s ‘snap’ moment: “You think I’m gonna let a blood addict tell me how to drink?” ROFL.
Caroline: Always Caroline. Tyler is apparently a “freaky hybrid slave minion”. HA. And in that same scene, I love when Damon tells everyone that Tyler’s been sired and what that means – and Ric’s FACE in the background! LOL. Cue rolling eyes and rolling head (if you can’t remember it go watch it now please. Hil-AR-ious).
Surefire way to get a woman in bed: “Everything I like about me is you”. Sigh. MORE SHIRTLESS TYLER. That is all.
I adore fake-drunk Elena: lazing on the bleachers looking at the stars. Whether she was truly drunk or not, I love this girl. (btw, LOVE that outfit she’s wearing. What a babe)
Stelena moments: True, I ship Delena, but can you blame me for loving Stefan and Elena in this episode? (Read my rant at the end and I’ll explain my views on this further!) Stefan: “Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?” Elena: “No Stefan it makes me strong!” and BAM! Wooden bullets in chest! Dramatic exit! That girl is badass.
Mason is BACK: Okay so all the ghosts (most of them anyway) are back from the dead. Umm can anyone say ‘shit’? This is gonna be mentallll. But to Taylor Kinney – welcome back. Can’t wait to see more of you!
And of course, the ULTIMATE favourite moments: Delena. The first one – “What’s the plan oh warrior princess?”. I’ve decided that if you want to get Damon to do something for you, all you gotta say is “Do it for me”. Well, if you’re Elena that is. Man, the sexual tension in that scene! My heart skipped a few million beats. Damon, you can touch my sternum any time you want.
The second one – when Damon is touching up Elena’s face at the end. Elena: “You played your part of the plan really well tonight.” Damon: “Oh yeah?” Elena: “Yeah you had Rebekah drooling all over you and your marshmallows.” Damon: “Yeah before she skewered me... I thought you were too drunk to notice.” Elena: “I was faking most of it.” Damon: “So was I.” [cue me swooning all over the screen]
And in true Jayne fashion, I always have more to say about everything else in the episode.
Bothersome moments
Vicki is a crazy bitch: But a nice one, at first. While that conversation in the car was highly depressing, it’s good to know that Matt had some sort of closure at the end of the day (after he released Vicki and then put her back in ghost world – though apparently allowed every other ghost to come out and play [Damon and Mason... hoo boy!]).
Bonnie and Jeremy have a little tiff: I agree with Bonnie, put yourself in her shoes. Uh oh, that relationship is on the tip of a precipice, I hate to say (not really, because I ship Janna;))
Tyler’s a bit rude, and apparently all jacked-up on Hybridness: OH and then we find out that he’s been ‘sired’ – which (after Tyler and Caroline did the nasty) all I could think was “Shit shit he’s trying to get Caroline to have mini hybrids!” That sired thing is just plain weird. And I think Tyler is liking this hybrid vampire thing a bit too much. The blood? The compulsion? UH huh. And he has gone back to being a dick.
Mystery witch: I really wanna know who this witch is who’s been communicating with Vicki. I don’t like her already.
Dalaric: I miss the Dalaric bromance. That’s all I have to say about that.
Bex STABBED Damon: Ugh. I love Barbie Klaus but nobody stabs my baby and gets away with it. Nobody.
Why does everyone have to cut their hand in order to get something to happen? It’s grose. And Matty, you made a big mistake bringing her back. Just saying (she almost FRIED Elena and Rippah Stefan, whom we all love and would miss just a tad).
To everyone who’s panicking that Kat is dead: NO WAY. There is no way the writers would take such an incredibly strong character and let her die in a wrong-place-wrong-time type situation. Nope, that girl would never go down without a fight. PLUS when has a vampire ever died from having their blood drained from them? (In TVD anyway).
Important things to note
- If Mikael knows how to kill Klaus – I don’t want him to. I love Joseph Morgan too much.
- Elena’s blood is still the key. Therefore, there will still be more people coming after her to kill her. It’s not just Stefan, Klaus and Bex she’s gotta worry about.
My confusion
I was thinking – I’m not sure why we could see Vicki but not the other people who had turned into vampires (i.e. Jenna) anyone got a clue why that might be?
Mini rant about Stefan, his humanity and this whole ‘nobody cares about him anymore’ business
Okay so, something that has been wreaking havoc all over twitter is this: “why has everyone given up on Stefan?”. This is my little rant to counter-act/elaborate on this question. (This was inspired by @RippahStefan’s extended tweet. Read it, his rant is epic.http://www.twitlonger.com/show/doc11n)
Ok a lot of people have been saying that everyone has given up on Stefan except Elena, and that they've forgotten that he’s had his humanity stripped from him rather than him choosing to lose it. I almost entirely agree with this, but I don’t think that everyone has given up so much as they have had ENOUGH. Can you imagine what they've all been through in the past 24 hours – their senior prank night totally destroyed, with ghosts and Klaus coming back and Stefan losing his humanity and hybrids being created and so on and so forth – all in the one night? I mean, it’s a lot to take in, even for these guys (who have seen their fair share of drama).
As for Damon and his need to help Elena outweighing his need to help his brother – I don’t think we should make such bold assumptions yet. True, Damon is a little blinded by his love for Elena, but did you SEE that concern wash over his face when he saw Stefan playing Twister? It isn't so much that he’s given up – I think he’s resigned to the fact that Stefan is DANGEROUS and so he’s protecting the one person he still can i.e. Elena. And perhaps he’s hoping that Mikael will be the answer as well – perhaps he’s happier to wait it out, where Elena isn't content with sitting still. Where she wants to take action, Damon is content to just keep an eye on him. Some food for thought.
And yes, Elena is the only one who hasn’t given up (which I am kind of inclined to agree with Stefan when he calls her pathetic) but at the same time I think it’s amazing of her – and I think that she has some weird supersonic tolerance level that allows her to see optimism in everything.
Now that I’ve had that rant, some food-for-thought (Stefan-related)
Stefan’s humanity: I don’t think there’s anything left of Stefan’s humanity, per se, but I think his memories are what is wrecking havoc with his behaviour. Klaus didn’t take those away – so Stefan still knows what has happened between him and Elena. And while he doesn't FEEL, he still REMEMBERS. I think that’s a key point to note, and possibly something he can grasp onto even in his compelled state. Examples of this:
- The jogging scene: Did anyone else notice that, even though Stefan called Elena possibly the most insulting thing ever, he also knocked that guy off his feet cos he ran into Elena? There was totally some of the hidden protective Stefan there. That’s what I think anyway.
- You’re a lightweight drinker: Stefan doesn’t feel, yet he remembers Elena is a lightweight when drinking. There is that remnant of ‘I should care’ when he’s around her.
- C’mon I’ll take you home: Catching Elena when she fell off the bleachers (I bet you were wondering when I was gonna mention this ;)), whether it was still memories of Klaus’ compulsion, we are yet to find out, but there was definitely SOMETHING there.
- Jealous much: Oh but as much as Stefan says he isn’t jealous, he totally is. Or thinks he is. Or wonders if he is. *awkward pause*
Monday, 17 October 2011
10 Strange Things I noticed in the past week.
Friday, 14 October 2011
"I'm a Ripper! A Ripper doesn't stop!"
- Elena - "Don't Klaus! You don't have to hurt anybody." Klaus - "Oh c'mon love, of course I do."
- Elena - "Where's Stefan?" Klaus - "Stefan's on a time out."
- Klaus - "I invited him to the party love, he's the one dancing on the table."
- Ghost Vicki is a bit creepy. I don't know what game she's playing, and now that Matt can see her - I wonder if she'll manipulate him in some way?
- I half wonder whether Rebekah is faking it. Does she really care about Klaus that much? Or does she secretly resent him still? And also - did Klaus ditch her when he ran off? Or did she go with him? Gotta say though, Claire Holt looks smokin' in this episode.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
And the baby-daddy is....
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Who's lying? Not me.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Revenge and Ringer: sexy and sophisticated.
- Emily VanCamp plays Amanda Clarke and her alias Emily Thorne. And what a convincing job she does too. The fact that she lost her father because he was framed and then convicted and then died only enhances her character. As Emily, she is sweet, mysterious and somewhat reminiscent of a sly cat. Her poker face is what drew me in at first - and then the way she would flip so suddenly to her alter persona, Amanda. Cold, hard, and vengeful, with little flickers of sadness and remorse, is the best way I can describe the Amanda underneath the mask. Riveting. I love it.
- Victoria Grayson, played by Madeleine Stowe, is the wicked mother-in-law with a soul. Yes, I know, she's not the actual mother-in-law, but that's how her character is played. She is bitter against the world; mostly because of her cheating, lying husband, but also because she lost the one man she truly loved - David Clarke. You get a sense that she hides behind her money and expensive taste, all the while mourning for a life lost. Yet at the same time, she is fiercely protective of her son, and deeply suspicious of everyone around her. Especially Emily - and rightly so. Good work mummy dearest.
- Jack Porter, beautifully played by Nick Wechsler, is the childhood friend. He seems like the one genuine character in the entire show; thus you feel sad for him when he has to sell his boat to save his dad's floundering business. And then his dad dies, so things are becoming even more tough. But still, there is a definite air about him - an air that draws Amanda back in and helps pull some of the 'Emily' facade away.
- The other character I love is Nolan Ross, acted out by Gabriel Mann. I've never seen Mann in anything before but I like him. He is mischievous and a little suave - I especially like the tailored suits and shaggy blonde hair. He aims to help Amanda with her quest for revenge, all the while trying to pull her back out of her facade too.
- The last character I like is Danny Grayson, played by Joshua Bowman. Besides being a bit of eye candy, he is the lost puppy, searching for his way in the world and trying to leave behind bad mistakes. I like him because he strikes me as honest, and I think in a show like this you need a couple of honest characters to keep from drowning in dishonesty. I do hope his 'death' at the start wasn't real; however I'm sure if he does die it'll be for a really intriguing reason.
- Sammy the dog remembers: I'm not sure what it is about dogs remembering their owners, but I always find the concept ridiculously appealing. It is classic but super sweet.
- Declan [aka Eric from Gossip Girl]: Seeing Connor Paolo in this show made my heart skip a beat. I LOVE Eric in GG, and it was sad when they shipped his character to minimal appearances. He is definitely likable as the stubborn younger brother who 'just wants to fit in with the upper crowd'.
- The boat named 'Amanda': Did anyone else think this was rather charming? I wonder what kind of an impression Amanda made on Jack. Obviously something rather large since he named his prized boat after her.
- Bitch Victoria taking down Slut Lydia: Highlight of my WEEK. That take-down was priceless, and Gossip Girl-worthy. At a charity function? Giving away the painting from their living room as a reminder of her affair and shunning from high society? Impressive, needless to say.
- The flashbacks: I always love a good flashback. These are good because they give you a bit of the background story, without giving away too much. It helps tie the 'revenge act' together at the end, because you understand why she picked this person to take down. My only hope is that they don't OVERDO the flashbacks - I like a little mystery to keep my day interesting.
- The side stories: I like that it isn't just about Amanda's revenge and the plot around her dad - it's also Jack's story, and Victoria's, and a little bit of Danny's. I hope they continue to expand on the other character's histories, rather than just focus on Amanda's - though hers IS fascinating.
- Cupcake scene at the end of ep 2: Amanda sitting there, lighting one candle on a delicious-looking cupcake, blowing out the candle and wishing herself a 'happy birthday'? Love it. Excellent scene, and way to end the episode.
- The take-down of the Senator in ep 3: The red-dress lady? The changed script? Exquisiteness played out. It was an excellent act of revenge. My favourite thus far.
- One final note - the CLOTHES: Gosh. I'd die wearing all those amazing outfits! Dresses especially. I love how when TV shows demonstrate the rich, they really do go upper class.
- Well. That just about says it all I think. Haha no, I am really proud of SMG for going in a very untypical direction for her. She plays twin sisters Bridget Kelly and Siobhan Martin, who at first, seem to be able to forgive each other for whatever monstrosity hides in their past - but takes a quick turn when Siobhan leaves Bridget in the middle of the ocean in her boat, and leads her to believe that she is dead. Bridget, on the run from the police because she witnessed a murder and doesn't want to stand trial against the killer, takes on Siobhan's identity and assumes her life. Truthfully, I think it was the story-line that drew me in more so than anything else. We see actors play twins and identical doppelgangers(Oh, Elena<3) all the time, but never do we see one twin that takes over the other twin's life, all the while the other twin is sipping martini's in Paris on some mission of her own. Fascinating!
- The drama: Oh, the drama! All the affairs and secrets! One nearly dies trying to keep up with it all. But it is ridiculously good.
- I am sad for Andrew: I really like Siobhan's husband, and she was cheating on him with her best friend's husband. Firstly - what a bitch. Who does that? Horrible, selfish woman. And Andrew seems so lovely! But I have a feeling there might be some hidden skeletons in his closet. Just will have to wait and see.
- Gemma - the ultimate best friend: This woman is awesome. She does absolutely everything for Siobhan, and the woman repays her by sleeping with her hubby. Oh, and getting pregnant with his baby. NOT COOL SIOBHAN.
- The twist that threw everything off: When you find out Siobhan is working with someone who is still at 'home' and you can't think who it would be. Why are they upset Bridget is still alive? What's the deal there? Mystery.
Blog Archive
- Leave your 'unfinished business' at peace please.
- Once Upon A Time [there was a man known as] Grimm.
- "What's the plan, oh warrior princess?"
- 10 Strange Things I noticed in the past week.
- "I'm a Ripper! A Ripper doesn't stop!"
- And the baby-daddy is....
- Who's lying? Not me.
- Revenge and Ringer: sexy and sophisticated.
- Disturbing behaviour indeed.
- A few of the vampire favourites.
- It's a little bit of this, and a little bit of tha...
- The perks of menswear.
- The best TVD episode ever... ?