Thursday, 16 August 2012
Body image, self-loathing and the boogie monster.
Monday, 20 February 2012
"Fine. Then neither one of us gets her."
Vampire Diaries lovers, I have to apologise for this late recap, but I was in denial. 4 whole weeks until the next episode? I think I might cry. So hopefully by releasing this recap so late, you will feel like me - at least it's only 3 weeks and 3 days until the next episode now. Gah, I'm still depressed. Anyway, let's see what befell our favorite TVD characters in 'All My Children'.
It's a typical day in the Gilbert house when Elena wakes up looking saddened and regretful. Flip to an equally broody Stefan, who ignores the call she places to him. "But let's not forget Damon," Elena thinks, though apparently she's been calling him all night. Damon answers while he's draped next to a seriously gorgeous Rebekah, claiming that he's over the whole thing. Damon? Over it? Doubtful.
Rebekah takes the walk of shame with Damon, telling him not to make a big deal of what happened. The two chance upon Elena standing outside the front door (I must admit, I laughed a lot). Elena lashes out at Damon and then Stefan, after she tells them she's worried about Elijah's survival and they retaliate and tell her not to screw the plan up (fair's fair, have we forgotten what the Originals have done to her, her family, everyone she loves?).
As we find out, everything is going down tonight under the glow of a full moon - and Elena's conscience isn't boding well with the thought of Elijah's demise. Damon mulls over Elena's jealousy to Stefan, to which Stefan reminds him that it wasn't him sleeping with someone, it was who he chose to sleep with. The two come to an agreement that "neither one of them" gets Elena, as she is better off without either of them. When Damon leaves the room we can't help but notice Stefan eyeing the cup of blood - a little warily.
Elena manages to get into the secret cave thingy that stops vampires from entering, and while Rebekah is contemplating whether torching Elena is the way to go, Meredith doctors Ric's wounds. Damon and Stefan flip a coin over who gets to be hated by Elena the most for screwing up Esther's plan, and Esther tells her newly arrived children that she ain't going to spare their lives so don't bother asking.
- Were you a little disappointed (like me) in this episode after 'Dangerous Liaisons'?
- Do we think Ric will survive this?
- How long will Abby survive as a vampire?
- Is this the end for Damon and Elena?
- Is this the beginning again for Stefan and Elena?
- Will Stefan give up blood for good now?
- Damon and Rebekah - yay or nay?
See you in 3 and a bit weeks!
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Glitz and glam; pain and a plan.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
"The worst thing for Elena Gilbert is the two of you."
Friday, 20 January 2012
It's time for parental control in Mystic Falls.
TVD-lovers, what an episode! My apologies if I say that every week, but my WORD, The Vampire Diaries takes the cake and brings the best each and every Thursday. Allow me to share my recapping thoughts with all of you.
'The Ties That Bind' begins with another witchy premonition by our fabulous Bonnie Bennett - a creepy cemetary. a coffin and a surprise from Klaus. Pretend-Klaus says "I've figured out how to open it. Can you?" and zips toward her. Suddenly she wakes up to find herself IN the coffin - trapped and with her witchy spells failing, until some random woman opens it. What?
Bonnie shows Elena where the coffins are and Stefan ain't happy. Turns out the random woman opening the coffin is Bonnie's mum Abby. Elena and Bonnie try to track down mama through a trillion Bennett profiles, but Damon beats them to it with his compulsion (cheat). Bonnie notices the tension between Elena and Damon, to which Damon spurts out: "We kissed, now it's weird" (Bonnie's face = priceless). Tyler comes over to apologize to Caroline, and Daddy Forbes is back! To help Tyler gain control over his sire bond, and to make a wrong right. Sweet.
Dr Fell and Alaric have lunch together, and Damon waltzes in to get the low-down on her. He mentions the death of Meredith's ex-boyfriend - and that we might want to be a little suspect of her. Stefan comes home to find a Klaus on his couch (can I PLEASE come home to find Joseph Morgan on my couch? That'd be great, thanks). Klaus brings up their stalemate, and both push each other's buttons a bit (they'd make the cutest couple. Just saying).
Bonnie asks Elena about the kiss (of COURSE it would have been good, it's IAN-FREAKING-SOMERHALDER) and Elena asks Stefan to butt out but he's got plans of his own when it comes to Abby Bennett. Klaus speaks with Daniel-hybrid and asks him if he's clear on what he needs to do - which ends up being to visit Mum-Bennett (how did Klaus gain this info? That sneaky, gorgeous hybrid).
Elena and Bonnie show up on the doorstep and meet Jamie (what a cutie); Mum-Bennett walks in and meets Bonnie (love the awkwardness of these meetings). Dad-Forbes tells Tyler that to gain his freedom he's gotta willfully turn into a wolf - ouchie. We find out that Mum-Bennett was the one who put Mikael in the coffin (how INTERESTING!) because he came to visit Elena 15 years ago.
Elena takes a little wander and bumps into Stefan (such a hot meanie), while Damon snoops into Meredith's life. Damon is looking out for Ric (naw) and drills her on whether she's a psychopath - and then gets himself vervained. Oh no. Meredith takes a vial of his blood (what?) and we jump back to Dad-Forbes' detox with Tyler. Bonnie asks Mum-Bennett why she didn't come home - and then finds out about Grams' death. She offers Bonnie her help - which backfires when Jamie shoots Stefan and Mum-Bennett knocks Bonnie out. Uh oh.
Damon tells a sweaty, babe-a-licious Ric that Meredith vervained and blooded him, while Jamie ties up Elena and Mum-Bennett steals Bonnie and gives her to Daniel-hybrid. Tyler breaks free of his chains and jumps on Dad-Forbes (oh my WORD!). Elena lures Jamie over to gun-thwack him over the head, and then she pulls the wooden bullets out of Stefan.
Klaus stumbles upon Damon checking out the coffins - and the witches cast some juju on him, but cave when he threatens the Bennett line - and they reveal ... 3 of them? Damon has hidden the fourth coffin and apparently that's all that Klaus wants (what is IN IT?). Elena continues to pull the bullets out of Stefan, to which he mentions that she's changed - and it's good. Elena then tells him about the kiss with Damon - and is that sadness we see on Stefan's face? His silence speaks volumes. Heart. Breaks.
We discover that Dr Fell is not what she seems - she puts vampire blood into her patients (at least Daddy-Forbes is okay!) and Elena and Stefan share a sad conversation. "You're better than him Elena. You're better than both of us". Actually, he's pretty right.
Mum-Bennett and Bonnie have a kind chat, while Dad-Forbes gets a visit from Tyler. He tells Tyler he's a long way off to being cured. Lots of pain in order to be near Caroline. Fair deal I say.
Ric shares his secret with Meredith and me-not-like-them-kissing. Elena interrupts it (good) and she tells Ric it's okay to move on from Jenna. Dislike dislike dislike. Damon gets a right-royal punch from Stefan and HOLD UP - ELIJAH IS BACK! BOOYAH! (best moment of the entire episode, by far).
So what did we think TVD-ers? Did you jump like mad with Elijah's reappearance? Were you sad for Stefan? And I'm just wondering - is it wrong that I've never thought about Mum-Bennett before? Like, EVER? Fire off in the comments below, and tune in for my recap next week!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
The Muppets Movie: Review
- When Walter wanders into Kermit's old office at Muppet Studios, and we see old-time photos plastered across the walls of some of the prior guest stars. Photos of Julie Andrews, Florence Henderson and a couple of previous Presidents can be seen, as well as others that I have forgotten but were important nonetheless. The flashback was the first of many tributes during the movie, and one I simply loved.
- The epic romance of Kermit and Miss Piggy. Truly, it was a romance none of us could forget, and one that we happily re-lived all over again. To top it off, there was a Kermit and Miss Piggy duet at the end, in which they sung "Rainbow Connection": a classic and an old-time favorite. Superb.
- The consistent joking and heckling by Statler and Waldorf. The movie would not have been the same without these two making ridiculous jokes in the background. You cannot have the Muppets without Statler and Waldorf - that would be like Superman without Lois Lane.
- The guest stars. It was part and parcel of the Muppets to have guest stars on their show - and the movie was no different. Guests included Jack Black, Chris Cooper, Rashida Jones, Ken Jeong, Zach Galifianakis, Jim Parsons, Selena Gomez, Whoopi Goldberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Emily Blunt, Kristen Schaal and many more. I was both surprised and delighted at how many more actors there were in this movie than I expected.
- The music. Cheesy and reminiscent to the core. Loved it.
- The song between Gary and Walter and their 'man/Muppet' alter egos. There were white suits, Jim Parsons as 'human Walter' and a Muppet version of Jason Segal, which was too good to be true. I will say no more, but it was the highlight of the entire film for me.
"It's a funeral party!"
Spectacular TVD-lovers, I apologize for the late recap. It occurred to me that I needed a break after last week's episode, as my brain needed time to process. Klaroline? Stefan's psychotic drive with Elena? But before I say too much, let's take a bite out of this juicy episode, 'Our Town'.
Our episode begins hot and steamy - Damon is in the shower, and he's very naked and very happy (wonder why). Meanwhile Elena is taking a very different approach to working through her feelings; she's knocking the wind out of a punching bag. Stefan strolls in to tell Damon they're meeting Bonnie at the old witch house, while Alaric asks Elena what's got her all worked up. Elena (for the moment) is sure that she's made the right decision concerning Jeremy, and Bonnie is trying her darnedest to get the mystery coffin to open.
Damon and Stefan stumble upon a stray hybrid lurking in the witch house (Damon quote: "These hybrids. They're really bringing the neighbourhood down"), and Elena tells Bonnie that she had Damon compel Jeremy outta town - which does NOT go down well with her. Damon bangs the mystery coffin with a shovel (yes, that'll work Damon) and then Stefan comes up with a crazy-mad-psychotic-insane plan to call Klaus' bluff (Damon quote: "The only way to call someone's bluff Stefan is to be willing to lose everything if you're wrong") which he apparently decides is worth the risk. Yikes.
Bonnie has a little chat with Jeremy about him leaving, and Tyler and Caroline have a similarly sad (but more depressing, in my opinion) chat about Tyler's bond to Klaus and how sorry he is that they can't be together (*wails*). Cut to Klaus telling Kim-hybrid to put Rebekah in her room, and then a surprise visit from Stefan. Stefan tells Klaus he wants his hybrids gone (Klaus quote: "I get a little moody") and the two threaten each other until Stefan lashes out and kills Kim-hybrid (aww). For the first time (I think) Klaus looks a little worried.
Matt, Bonnie and Elena surprise Caroline for her 18th birthday, but she shares the reasons why she doesn't want to celebrate: "Now it's just a reminder that technically I'm dead... I am stuck in a filler year". Cue back to Klaus (who spotted Daniel Newman? Carrying a Kim-head too. Ugh) who demands that Tyler bite Caroline. Tyler tells Klaus to go screw himself (sort of. Basically) while our favorite Dalaric bromance chat about council meetings and "dimmed-switch" Stefan. To help Caroline's birthday misery out, Elena alters the plans to give her a 'funeral' instead. The three toast some wine and blow out the candles. It was rather poetic, I thought.
Ric mentions that something is up with Elena, to which Damon responds that it must have to do with Stefan. Dr Fell shocks Ric by mentioning the town's 'vampire problem' (let's be honest, we knew she had to know something) and the two share a bit of flirty chatter. Speaking of flirty chatter - Klaus crashes the party and schmoozes all over Carol. Damon quote: "Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize that you're kissing the ass of an immortal hybrid who ruined your son's life?" haha, oh Damon. Klaus asks Damon to control Stefan (ha, fat chance of that happening).
Cut back to our funeral party-goers, where a text to Tyler turns into a nasty remark about Elena taking Jeremy's choices away. Matt (ever the hero) tries to diffuse things, but Bonnie leaves instead. Sheriff Forbes joins Klaus' side in the quest to control Stefan, while Ric makes a heroic intervention between Dr Fell and Brian (old boyfriend? Truly?). Stefan makes a rash decision and stabs Daniel-hybrid, before Damon pulls him off. Stefan quote: "No, to beat the villain Damon, you have to be the better villain" ... not entirely sure I agree with this logic, but oh well.
Tyler crashes the funeral do, and Matt tells Elena he believes they're all stuck in this supernatural life (so wise Matt, so wise). Tyler and Caroline share an "I love you" and kiss, but it doesn't end well - with a little nip, Caroline is bitten and she tells Tyler to get away. Matt and Elena search for her, but then Stefan zips in and throws Matt against a wall and kidnaps Elena in his car (what are you DOING mad vamp??). Klaus finds this all very amusing (AND he ships Stelena? Who else noticed that?) but Damon is insistent that he do what Stefan says.
Caroline is dying from the bite and Stefan threatens Elena with the option of turning her into a vampire - and then my heart stops as Elena screams "Stefan stop!" and Klaus yells "Stop the car Stefan!" while Stefan screeches crazily to a stop just on the edge of Wickery Bridge. Stefan tries to explain to a distraught Elena that if he knows Klaus' weakness, he can destroy him - which is apparently all he has left. I disagree Stefan, and I agree with Elena - you DID have her, but you chose to ignore that fact and go all ridiculous and Rippah-ry. Gah, that scene angered me.
Klaus shows up on the Forbes' doorstep to give Caroline a birthday present - his blood. Joseph Morgan was pure delight in this scene - and Candice Accola more beautiful than ever. Klaus explains to Caroline why he loves birthdays, and gives her the choice - take his blood and live, or die. She chooses to live, and I'll admit that I only just got the two as the 'shipping' pair Joseph Morgan wanted.
Damon tells Elena that Stefan won the round for them today, despite the methods he employed. Elena tells Damon he can't kiss her again - "It's not right" to which Damon responds - "It's just not right now". Oh Delena. Happy feelings.
Bonnie scurries in to say goodbye to Jeremy (nooo, stay Jer! Pretty please?), while Caroline opens the present Klaus left her - a bracelet that puts Tyler's to shame (sorry Ty). Elena and Matt chat about "being stuck", and Matt tells her it's okay to let her old self go. Matt gives her a mini eulogy, and she does look relieved indeed.
And then lastly, after Ric and Dr Fell share a drink, we are led to a crime scene - typical for Mystic Falls yes? Well, actually no... because this time it's just plain old murder. What?
There you have it my TVD fans! What did we think of 'Our Town'? Were you as buzzed/confused/excited/depressed/conflicted as I was after seeing it? Do you like the idea of Klaroline? Who do you think left the dead body? And what will Stefan do next in his wacko-mindset? I guess we will find out, in this week's episode!
Mini rant
I haven't had one of these in ages! But it must be done. Okay, so I've been prowling through the Stelena and Delena comments all over twitter, and most of the Stelena fans are seriously unhappy with Stefan's taking a Damon-like tumble into the abyss. I am here to say to you that it is all going to be okay - Stefan (in my opinion) is just such a deeply emotional vampire that when he turned his back on Elena (even though he was compelled to do so) to him that was the worst possible decision and thing to do to the love of his life. Therefore, now he is sliding off the rails because in his mind, Klaus must PAY for making him lose everything. To him, Elena never would have come back; where Elena would have forgiven him anything - even with the knowledge that things would never have been the same between them. Stefan cannot SEE that through his hurt, which he is currently turning into rage and revenge. As for Elena being conflicted with her feelings between the two Salvatore's - can you blame her? Damon has practically turned over a new leaf in his quest to be chosen by her, and now she's trying to face the fact that the vamp she THOUGHT was the only one she'd ever love is now driving her away. I think we'd all be confused, don't you agree? But I don't think the Stelena shippers should give up hope; nor do I think we have seen the last of Delena. I think that the writers WILL take us down that path, because (a) they have enough seasons and a big enough fandom to do so and (b) it makes the story infinitely more interesting and complex. In all honesty, I have the biggest respect for the writers as they have taken this leap and allowed us to fall not only in love with one couple, but two couples. Do I hope the ending will be Stelena or Delena? I reserve the right to change my mind at any moment, so at this stage I am going to say I am undecided :) End rant. Lol.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Au revoir TVD hiatus. Welcome back new episode.
Welcome back Vampire Diaries fans! Well, it has been a long wait - so long that I was close to spiraling into a blood-drinking frenzy. But fortunately for myself and all the other TVD fans out there, 3x10 'The New Deal' was definitely worth the wait.
Without further ado, let's make Rippah-like waves and dive into this recap!
The last we had seen, Stefan stopped Damon from killing Klaus because he knew that by killing Klaus Damon would die. In turn, Stefan got his humanity back and picked possibly the least humane thing of all to do - take revenge on Klaus by stealing his family. The choice left both Elena and Damon upset and raging and we all wondered what they'd do next.
Now the episode opens with a Bonnie vision - she wanders into the old Lockwood mansion and sees a coffin with Klaus sleeping in it, and his mother's necklace wrapped around his hand. Bonnie wakes up startled and we all kind of look at each other and go 'huh?'
Elena's jogging round the town and gets a surprise stalker in the form of a hunky hybrid (which, let's admit, no person who jogs with their hoodie up is going to be a nice person). Elena tells Bonnie that she's spiraling into insanity, she's feeling so paranoid, and Bonnie brushes off her premonition as "stress". Damon is drinking away his troubles "It's the eve of Klaus-aggeden", while Alaric is mulling over Jeremy's failed paper.
Meanwhile Jeremy and Tyler are now bff's and shooting cans together - or apparently Tyler's as well. Tyler's being a typical dick and Jeremy is worrying Elena. But he's not the only one worrying Elena; Damon being a day-drunk causes her older sister side to come out as well (and some flirty closeness). Then, our favorite hybrid (in all his delicious glory) shows up to ask the two where he might find Stefan... and tells them that he's broadened the scope of it being a Stefan/Klaus problem (oh Joseph. How I missed you being on my screen).
Bonnie investigates her dream in real life and stumbles across Stefan, who is still a little cold and won't relinquish his possession of Klaus' family. Alaric and Elena have a problem with Jeremy hanging out with Tyler, and to irritate them more Jeremy invites Tyler over for dinner. Tyler tries to explain being "sired" as though it's a religion of sorts - and his blind faith has everyone confused.
Klaus invites himself to have a drink with Damon: "I think it's about time we have a drink, don't you?" and the two chat about Stefan's betrayal and how much they have in common. Klaus tells Damon that his family are the ones who have been stolen (I didn't think vervain stopped an Original from being able to compel another vampire? Side note). And seeing as we all know that Klaus was bound to try and get someone killed, it should have come as no shock that Jeremy almost gets killed by a car and Alaric gets dead instead (yay for that ring).
Klaus is apparently building a house for himself and his hybrids, and Tyler begins to question the 'Lord Klaus' that he has devoted his life to. Damon tries to tell Elena what Klaus' plan is, while Jeremy shows just how over everything he is. Elena asks Bonnie to find Stefan, to which she replies "You don't need a locator spell" and Elena and Damon wander over to visit Stefan.
The dead witches ain't happy to see Damon; and neither is Stefan to see Elena. Turns out Stefan is a dickhead which (while super hot) earns him a slap from Elena. Damon crashes his way into the house and has a chat with our lovely Rippah - which ends in Stefan being staked (is it wrong that I still had a sick satisfaction that despite Stefan's crazed drinking habits, Damon still managed to stake him? Hmm love you Damon) and his confession that he stopped Damon from killing Klaus to save his brother went down well (another stake in Stefan ha!).
Jeremy educates Tyler on what Klaus normally does when he wants something, and in turn Tyler warns Jeremy to be careful. Ric comes back to life but not like he normally does - which ends in ambulances coming, being compelled away, and Jeremy beheading a hybrid. Wait, hold up. JEREMY BEHEADED A HYBRID?! I need to take a moment.
Damon convinces Stefan to be in on his plan; cut-throat and devious - "I am so much better at that than you". Stefan reveals the hidden coffins to Damon (turns out witch spirits are using their joo-joo to hide them from sight). Meanwhile Torrey DeVito makes her appearance as Meredith (Dr Fell) and I'm wondering what she's up to. While I'm wondering that, Elena invites Klaus over and gives him Rebekah (whhaaattt Elena?!) and she tells him that she may not be so forgiving of him once he wakes her (one up on Klaus heh heh).
After all of Jeremy's moaning, Elena makes the heartbreaking decision to let Damon compel him out of town (mega sad face). Damon is Elena's shoulder to cry on and their zingyness is practically killing me (little did I know what was to come ;)).
Klaus decides NOT to wake Rebekah (no, I want Claire Holt back!) and Bonnie and Stefan mull over the mystery that is the fourth coffin. Then comes a much-awaited Delena scene - after Damon confesses that Stefan saved him, he decided that he would feel guilty over doing something worth being guilty over - A KISS. And Delena fans die of happiness across the entire planet - while our poor SE'ers groan in heartache. Oh, so very torn Elena is right now.
And there you have it! So what did you guys think? Did you love The New Deal? Was it worth the wait? Are you going to miss Jeremy? What do you think is in the fourth coffin? Will Klaus awaken Rebekah - and just what is his plan now? Do you love dickhead Stefan or detest him? And was it just me, or did you miss Caroline this episode? And most of all - what do you think of the KISS?! Sound off in the comments below! :D Or tweet me - @Jayneymoo :)